
Teamwork is the ability to work effectively as a crew. Good co-operation will allow better crew co-ordination.


In a multi crew environment co-operation is essential. As discussed in Leadership and Managerial skills, Leadership is earned and it is earned using teamwork skills. A good leader will have to use teamwork skills effectively.

It is important for the team to establish an open environment from the outset. It is also important for the commander, in particular, to demonstrate that he or she will welcome input from other team members-in particular the other flight deck crew members.

It is important to ensure that communication between team members is encouraged from the outset; even if that information often turns out to be non-relevant or not important, or a challenge by a Co-Pilot proves the Captain to be correct. Team members should not be afraid or embarrassed to speak up.


About Crew co-ordination: 

Crew co-ordination is more advantageous than a collection of highly skilled individuals working independently.

The basic variables determining the extent of crew co-ordination are the attitudes, motivation and training of the team members. Especially under stress (physical, emotional or managerial), there is a high risk that crew co-ordination will break down. The results of poor team work are a decrease in communication (marginal or no exchange of information), an increase in errors (e.g. wrong decisions) and a lower probability of correcting deviations either from standard operating procedures or from the desired flight path. Additionally, emotional conflicts in the cockpit may result.

List of sub skills 

Co-operation and Maintaining: Co-operation and maintaining is about the ability to establish positive interpersonal relations between crew members and their active participation in fulfilling the tasks. 

Considering others: Consideration of others involves the acceptance of others and understanding of their personal condition.

Supporting others: Support of others relates to helping other crew members when they need assistance. 

Conflict Management: Conflict solving is about the articulation of different interpersonal positions and giving suggestions for solutions 

Example of good practices 

  • Establishes atmosphere for open communication and participation 
  • Encourages inputs and feedback from others 
  • Does not compete with others 
  • Takes notice of the suggestions of other crew members even if she/he does not agree 
  • Takes condition of other crew members into account 
  • Gives appropriate personal feedback 
  • Helps other crew members in demanding situations 
  • Offers assistance 
  • Keeps calm in conflicts 
  • Suggests conflict solutions 
  • Concentrates on what is right rather than who is right 

Red Flags 

  • Required briefings are not delivered 
  • Incomplete/ major deviations from SOP’s 
  • No clarification requested when there is ambiguity 
  • Negative tone 
  • Withholding information 
  • My way or the high way 
  • Directive behaviour 
  • Essential resources are not utilized 
  • Failing to back up another crew member 
  • Lack of discipline for company policies and procedures 
  • Questions are discouraged 
  • Conflicts are not dealt with 
  • Conflicting opinions are dismissed without consideration 
  • There is no direction given 

All of this information on pilot training and flight training in Canada is also available at