PPL Flight Test Prep


1. What documents are required on board the aircraft for it to be legal for flight?

2. How long is the C. of A. Valid?

3. What would invalidate the C. of A.?

4. What are the different categories for the C. of A.?

5. How long is the C. of R. valid?

6. What information should you check to determine if the C. of R. is valid?

7. What happens to the C. of R. when the aircraft is sold?

8. How soon after the sale must TC be notified?

9. How long is the Interim C. of R. valid for after the sale?

10. May someone rent a privately registered aircraft?

11. Briefly describe the information in the POH (Owners Manual) that would be important to a licenced pilot when being checked out on a new type of aircraft.

12. Could you use the Information Manual provided in your Groundschool Kit if  there was no POH onboard the aircraft?

13. Why must the CFS be carried on board the aircraft?

14. What specific information can be found on the aircraft Weightand Balance report?

15. How is a change in the aircraft’s weight recorded?

16. When does an aircraft have to be reweighed?

17. How do you know if this is the most recent Weight and Balance report?

18. May an aircraft be flown if it is over the specified Gross Weight but within the C. of G. range?  

19. What do we look for in the Journey Log to determine if the aircraft is legal to fly?

20. How often does a privately registered aircraft need maintenance inspections?

21. Why is a flight school aircraft commercially registered?

22. Do you need to legally carry a journey log on board?

23. When is the next inspection due for the aircraft that you are flying?

24. Is the maintenance based on: time on the engine, or time on the airframe?

25. What is Air Time? What is Flight Time?

26. What procedure is followed when a new Journey Log is started?

27. Can the aircraft be flown if there is an outstanding defect? Can it be flown if the defect is deferred?

28. How often does the compass need to be swung? When is it due for your aircraft?

29. How often does the ELT have to be inspected? When is it due for your aircraft?

30. How often does the pitot static check have to be done? When is it due for your aircraft?

31. How often does the transponder have to be checked? When is it due for your aircraft?

32. Where is the Emergency Procedures checklist kept?

33. If it was not on board, could you just use the POH?

34. How long is your transport Canada aviation medical valid for? Did you sign it? What day does it expire?

35. How long is your Radio Operators Certificate valid? Did you sign it?

36. How long is your SPP valid?

37. How is your licence kept current for carrying passengers?

38. What is required if you wish to fly at night? A seaplane? A multi-engine airplane?

39. When doe the insurance expire for your aircraft?

Aircraft Performance

1. Memorize:

Vx: best angle of climb speed (@ sea level)
Vy: best angle of climb speed (@ sea level)
Va: manoeuvring speed (2 gross weight)

All other speeds may be looked up in the POH. 

2. How does a decrease in aircraft weight affect manoeuvring speed?

3. Know how to calculate crosswind and headwind component

4. What is the max demonstrated crosswind component? Is it limiting?

5. Know how to calculate gliding distance

6. Calculate take-off and landing distance (ground run and over a 50′ obstacle) for your aircraft

7. What is the fuel capacity for your aircraft? How much is useable? How LONG can you fly with that much fuel on board?

8. What is the maximum and minimum oil capacity for your aircraft?

9. What type / grade of oil does your aircraft use?


1. Know how to calculate the weight and balance for your aircraft. Including, C. of G. for take-off and landing weight.

2. What is the maximum take-off weight of your aircraft?

3. What is the maximum allowable weight for the baggage compartments?

4. Are there any limitations regarding the placing of baggage in the compartments? What are they? 

5. If the C. of G. is too far AFT, how does this affect the flying characteristics of the aircraft? How does it affect the stall speed?

6. If the C. of G. is too far FORWARD, how does this affect the flying characteristics of the aircraft? How does it affect the stall speed?





Used to stop Yaw (Vertical/Normal Axis)
Controlled by rudder pedals

Rudder mounted offset to tail to compensate for yaw at cruise power
Rudder trim fixed or manual to compensate for yaw at cruise power
Horn balance to assist movement


Used to pitch up/down (Lateral Axis)
Controlled by control column:

CC back = elevator up, tail down, nose up

CC forward = elevator down, tail up, nose down
Trim in cockpit to relieve control pressures

Horn balance to assist movement


Used to roll left/right (Longitudinal Axis)
Controlled by control column

CC left=left aileron up, right aileron down, roll left
CC left=left aileron up, right aileron down, roll left
Mass balance to prevent flutter, Corrugated for strength



Used toLower stall speed and increase rate of descent 

Allow for a more nose down attitude (better vis and engine cooling)
Know permissible settings for take-off and landings



Know specs for engine and prop
Carb Heat: Non filtered, heated air into carb 

Used at low RPM (below green arc on Tach)
Air less dense = richer mixture

Mixture: Controls amount of fuel into carb 

Lean = less fuel (hotter), Rich = more fuel (cooler)



Know fuel capacity (useable and unusable) ns permissible types (& colour)

Know fuel selector, shutoff valve, fuel pumps, how system works


Know min & max: capacity, temp, pressure and know oil types. Know what grade is in aircraft!


Brakes: yellow

Oleo: red



Know the equipment in your aircraft and what all of the antennae are for.

Pitot: ASI 

Static: AS I, VSI, ALT
Vacuum: AI, ill
Electrical: TC

Know effects of pitot block

Know effects of static block (alternate air)
Know how many pumps, max & min suction

Wing root vents 

Can open windows / doors (know max speeds)
Cabin air vent

Cabin heat (possible CO poisoning)



Not certified for flight into know icing?
Pitot heat



Engine fire on start-up                           Engine fire in flight 

Electrical fire on flight                           Cabin fire 

Wing fire                                             Landing with a flat main tire 

Over-voltage (low voltage) light              Ammeter discharge 


Partial power loss                          Rough engine / overheat 

Loss of oil pressure                       Fuel starvation 

Vacuum system failure                   Pitot-static blockage 

Icing                                          Landing gear malfunction 

Electrical malfunction                    Flap failure 

Door / window open in flight          Emergency descent 



1. How do you know if your map is current? (Make sure that your map is current)

2. Be able to identify all map symbols: VOR, M.E.F., towers, RR tracks, power lines, airspace, etc ,.

3. Be able to identify and obtain information from the C.F.S. (Is there a restaurant, tie-downs, etc)

4. If a new tower has been installed along your route of flight and it does not appear on the chart, where would you find the exact location and height of the tower?

5. What are the classification of airspace in Canada?

6. What are the VFR weather minima that apply to the various classes of airspace?

7. What is Special VFR? How and where can you obtain it? What is the weather minima for SVFR?

8. What airspace is you airport in? What is the weather minima in your circuit?

9. What is the minimum altitude that VFR traffic may transit your area?

10. Do you require a transponder to fly in your area?

11. What is the minimum altitude that you may fly over a built-up area?

12. Who should you call to file / open / amend / close a Flight Plan (Make sure that you have completed a Flight Plan Form)

13. Where can you obtain NOTAMs? (Make sure you have all applicable NOTAMS for you cross country and you Flight Test)

14. How do you get current weather information while en-route?

All of this information on pilot training and flight training in Canada is also available at www.flighttrainers.ca.