PPL Exam Prep

 The main study guide for studying the PPAER exam is the TP 12880E/F. This guide is located here.

Below are the topics which are fairly common to see on the PPAER. For the ease of reading and making a point, we have taken the format of Transport Canada’s written examination results forms.

·       Apply right-of-way rules. 

·       Calculate landing distance from a performance chart. 

·       Calculate weight and balance. 

·       Calculate maximum flight distance from shore

·       Decode a PIREP. 

·       Decode a TAF

·       Define night

·       Determine heading correction to fly to destination

·       Determine AWWS GFA issue and valid times. 

·       Explain how density altitude affects aeroplane performance

·       Explain the effects of a blocked pitot system. 

·       Explain the effect of wind on gliding distance

·       Explain the relationship between TAS and IAS. 

·       Extract aeronautical information from navigation charts

·       Explain the causes of wheelbarrowing

·       Identify characteristics of high speed flight

·       Identify critical surfaces with regard to aircraft icing

·       Identify the features of a squall line

·       Identify the symptoms of hyperventilation

·       Interpret a NOTAM. 

·       Interpret the CFS

·       Interpret VFR Navigation Chart symbols and information

·       Interpret VNC scales. 

·       Interpret VNC symbols and information. 

·       Predict the possible effect of making an approach to a sloping runway. 

·       Predict the expected illusions when turning from into-wind to downwind.

·       Recall the effects of carburetor heat

·       Recall proper diversion procedures. 

·       Recall the circuit procedures at uncontrolled aerodromes

·       Recall the pilot’s authority for determining runway selection. 

·       Recall factors which affect the indicated stall speed. 

·       Recall the cloud type associated with a stable air mass. 

·       Recall the effect of impact icinq

·       Recall the regulatory requirements for a recurrent training program. 

·       Recall the requirements for carrying life preservers. 

·       Recall criteria to initiate a PIREP

·       Recall the height of cloud bases from TAF and GFA

·       Recall the regulatory requirements for a recurrent training program. 

·       Recall VDF operation

·       Recall the VFR fuel requirements. 

·       Recognize the effects and hazards of a malfunctioning ignition switch

·       Recognize the characteristics of stable air.

·       Recognize the effects, rules and guidelines concerning the consumption of alcohol

·       Recognize the characteristics of unstable air

·       Recognize the conditions conducive to caburettor icing.

·       Recognize the need for proper octane fuel

·       Recognize the relationship between inversions and wind shear.

·       State the guidelines for taking medication. 

All of this information on pilot training and flight training in Canada is also available at www.flighttrainers.ca.