The main study guide for studying the Flight Instructor Rating exam is the TP 15219. This guide is located here.
Below are the topics which are fairly common to see on the FIR Exam. For the ease of reading and making a point, we have taken the format of Transport Canada’s written examination results forms.
If you are a commercially licensed pilot studying for this exam, please take the effort to learn how to be a good instructor and not just learn how to answer questions on an exam.
· Calculate the manoeuvring speed of an aeroplane given the load factor and normal stall speed.
· Compare airspeeds used for different types of takeoffs.
· Compare the lift and angle of attack on the wings of an aeroplane during a spin.
· Describe the effect that C of G location has on stall characteristics
· Describe the forces acting on an airplane in a climb
· Describe the forces acting on an airplane in a state of equilibrium
· Employ the learning factors of exercise and effect when presenting instruction.
· Explain the flight test performance standards for the ground preparation of a cross-country flight.
· Explain the operation of a turn and bank indicator.
· Explain the causes of wheelbarrowing.
· Explain the design factors that affect the longitudinal stability of an aeroplane.
· Explain why frost increases stall speed.
· Explain the effects of a pitot static system blockage
· Explain the privileges of a CPL holder.
· Explain the procedures to change airspeed while maintaining a constant rate of descent.
· Identify a good oral question.
· Identify the instruments used to recover from an unusual attitude.
· Identify the minimum radio navigation equipment required in a flight training aeroplane.
· Identify hydroplaning properties.
· Identify the cause of disorientation in white out conditions.
· Identify the factors that determine the angle of attack at which an airfoil stalls.
· Identify the importance of using vision in the learning process.
· Identify the instruments used when recovering from unusual attitudes.
· Identify the mixture settings for a reciprocating engine.
· Identify who can authorize a solo flight.
· Name the condition that causes a temporary loss of vision due to positive G forces.
· Recall factors for errors in communications with ATC.
· Recall admission requirements for the Private Pilot flight test.
· Recall airspeed indicator errors during a side-slip
· Recall conditions favorable to a crossed–control stall.
· Recall how DME operates.
· Recall how to use runway lights to evaluate a night-time approach
· Recall pre-flight briefing.
· Recall the principals of dihedral
· Recall the functions of leading edge flaps
· Recall the demonstration-performance method of training.
· Recall the procedures for flying a forced landing.
· Recall the recommended method to contend with different personalities of students.
· Recall the requirement for solo flight training at night.
· Recall the cause of apparent lag in an airspeed indicator.
· Recall the role of the instructor in Human Factors instruction.
· Recall why controls are dynamically balanced.
· Recall human factor issues in the use of checklists.
· Recall the procedures for asking a question to a class
· Recall the requirements to upgrade an instructor rating.
· Recall the time required to take evasive action.
· Recall the validity of a letter of recommendation.
· Recall which ratings must be taught by an instructor.
· Recognize the causes of visual illusions and their possible effects.
· Recognize the implications of having an unsatisfactory Flight Test Record.
· Recognize effective communication.
· State the category of medical certificate required for a Student Pilot Permit
· State the validity period of a medical certificate.
All of this information on pilot training and flight training in Canada is also available at