Congratulations on starting your flight training! The following pilot notes will assist you in reviewing and preparing for your flights up until you earn your Private Pilot’s Licence. It will be your responsibility to review the procedures for related exercises before going for your flights. Later on in training, you will be introduced into other exercises that are required to be a proficient private pilot.
The pilot notes are developed to give you guidance to study for your flights. They outline how to prepare, what topics to study and some tips and rules of thumb that will help you during the flights. These notes, however, do not include any procedures or detailed theory required for that Phase of training. Anytime you need expanded information on any exercise, you will need to refer to the Flight Training Material and any other material that is assigned to you as a reading by your flight instructor(s).
As you progress through different phases in flying, you will notice that these notes include references to the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), Canada Flight Supplement (CFS), Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), etc. You should become familiar with these documents and know what information is available in them. For every lesson, these notes have questions that you must be able to answer before proceeding with the flight. You can research the answers using the appropriate reference when studying for the lesson.
Remember that this is your training and the outcome is highly dependent on how much time and effort you are putting towards preparing for your flights. By the end of this first phase of training, you will be able to fly solo. The initial phases are very exciting for you and I hope you not only learn but also enjoy and feel a sense of accomplishment throughout your training. Good Luck with your training and most of all,
All of this information on pilot training and flight training in Canada is also available at