Exercise 13 – Spinning

A great supplementary resource to this website is the Stall/Spin Awareness Guide. This guide is available here (new window PDF).

In this lesson you will practice entry and recovery procedures for spins. You may also practice the takeoff and landing.


Planned Activities

• Exercises 12, 13,16 and 18

Reference Material


• Pilot Operating Handbook

• Aeronautical Information Manual


• Review procedures in the applicable sections of the POH and pilot notes.

• Review the takeoff procedures and the checklists associated with the take-off.

• Review the FTM for theory on autorotation and different stages of the spin.

• Have an airport diagram with you along with the required charts and review the airspace around your airport.

• Be able to answer the following questions:

1) Where would you expect to encounter a power-on stall or a power-on stall with flaps deployed?

2) What is meant by autorotation? What causes it?

3) Why don’t we practice spins with the flaps extended? (Review POH)

4) What safety measures are you going to take before practicing spins?

5) According to the POH, what is a safe altitude for practicing spins?

6) How does the center of gravity affect spin recovery?

7) How do we recognize a spin? How do we recover?

8) Do I have to be stalled to enter a spin?

9) What factors affect the recovery time in a spin?

Tips/Rules of Thumb/Theory

• When practicing spins, you usually must hold the control column full aft and full rudder deflection in the direction of the autorotation.

• Releasing the controls during autorotation will turn the spin into a spiral dive (most Cessna aircraft).

• An abrupt or premature pull up from a dive during spin recovery could cause a secondary stall. Any presence of yaw could lead to secondary spin.

All of this information on pilot training and flight training in Canada is also available at www.flighttrainers.ca.